The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in approximately 1603, and based on the Italian short story Un Capitano Moro ("A Moorish Captain") by Cinthio, a disciple of Boccaccio, first published in 1565. The work revolves around four central characters: Othello, a Moorish general in the Venetian army; his wife, Desdemona; his lieutenant, Cassio; and his trusted ensign, Iago. Because of its varied and current themes of racism, love, jealousy, and betrayal, Othello
is still often performed in professional and community theatres alike
and has been the basis for numerous operatic, film, and literary.
Character List
Othello -
play’s protagonist and hero. A Christian Moor and general of the
armies of Venice, Othello is an eloquent and physically powerful
figure, respected by all those around him. In spite of his elevated
status, he is nevertheless easy prey to insecurities because of
his age, his life as a soldier, and his race. He possesses a “free and
open nature,” which his ensign Iago uses to twist his love for his
wife, Desdemona, into a powerful and destructive jealousy (I.iii.381).
Desdemona -
daughter of the Venetian senator Brabanzio. Desdemona and Othello
are secretly married before the play begins. While in many ways
stereotypically pure and meek, Desdemona is also determined and
self-possessed. She is equally capable of defending her marriage,
jesting bawdily with Iago, and responding with dignity to Othello’s
incomprehensible jealousy.
Iago -
ensign (a job also known as an ancient or standard-bearer), and
the villain of the play. Iago is twenty-eight years old. While his
ostensible reason for desiring Othello’s demise is that he has been
passed over for promotion to lieutenant, Iago’s motivations are
never very clearly expressed and seem to originate in an obsessive,
almost aesthetic delight in manipulation and destruction.
Michael Cassio -
lieutenant. Cassio is a young and inexperienced soldier, whose high
position is much resented by Iago. Truly devoted to Othello, Cassio
is extremely ashamed after being implicated in a drunken brawl on
Cyprus and losing his place as lieutenant. Iago uses Cassio’s youth,
good looks, and friendship with Desdemona to play on Othello’s insecurities
about Desdemona’s fidelity.
Emilia -
wife and Desdemona’s attendant. A cynical, worldly woman, she is
deeply attached to her mistress and distrustful of her husband.
Roderigo -
jealous suitor of Desdemona. Young, rich, and foolish, Roderigo
is convinced that if he gives Iago all of his money, Iago will help
him win Desdemona’s hand. Repeatedly frustrated as Othello marries Desdemona
and then takes her to Cyprus, Roderigo is ultimately desperate enough
to agree to help Iago kill Cassio after Iago points out that Cassio
is another potential rival for Desdemona.
Bianca -
courtesan, or prostitute, in Cyprus. Bianca’s
favorite customer is Cassio, who teases her with promises of marriage.
Brabanzio -
father, a somewhat blustering and self-important Venetian senator.
As a friend of Othello, Brabanzio feels betrayed when the general
marries his daughter in secret.
Duke of Venice -
official authority in Venice, the duke has great respect for Othello
as a public and military servant. His primary role within the play
is to reconcile Othello and Brabanzio in Act I, scene iii, and then
to send Othello to Cyprus.
Montano -
governor of Cyprus before Othello. We see him first in Act II, as
he recounts the status of the war and awaits the Venetian ships.
Lodovico -
of Brabanzio’s kinsmen, Lodovico acts as a messenger from Venice
to Cyprus. He arrives in Cyprus in Act IV with letters announcing
that Othello has been replaced by Cassio as governor.
The play opens with Roderigo, a rich and dissolute gentleman,
complaining to Iago, a high-ranking soldier, that Iago has not told him
about the secret marriage between Desdemona, the daughter of a Senator named Brabantio, and Othello, a Moorish
general in the Venetian army. He is upset by this development because
he loves Desdemona and had previously asked her father for her hand in
marriage. Iago hates Othello for promoting a younger man named Michael Cassio
above him, and tells Roderigo that he plans to use Othello for his own
advantage. Iago is also angry because he believes, or at least gives the
pretence of belief, that Othello slept with his wife Emilia. Iago
denounces Cassio as a scholarly tactician with no real battle
experience; in contrast, Iago is a battle-tested soldier. By emphasizing
Roderigo's failed bid for Desdemona, and his own dissatisfaction with
serving under Othello, Iago convinces Roderigo to wake Brabantio,
Desdemona's father, and tell him about his daughter's elopement. Iago sneaks away to find Othello and warns him that Brabantio is coming for him.

The party arrives in Cyprus to find that a storm has destroyed the
Turkish fleet. Othello orders a general celebration. Iago schemes to use
Cassio to ruin Othello and takes the opportunity of Othello's absence
at the celebration to persuade Roderigo to engage Cassio in a fight. He
achieves this by getting Cassio drunk after Cassio's own admission that
he cannot hold his wine. The brawl alarms the citizenry, and Othello is
forced to quell the disturbance. Othello blames Cassio for the
disturbance and strips him of his rank. Cassio is distraught, but Iago
persuades him to importune Desdemona to act as an intermediary between
himself and Othello, and persuade her husband to reinstate him.
Iago now persuades Othello to be suspicious of Cassio and Desdemona.
As it happens, Cassio is having a relationship of sorts with Bianca, a
prostitute. Desdemona drops a handkerchief
that was Othello's first gift to Desdemona and which he has stated
holds great significance to him in the context of their relationship.
Emilia steals it, at the request of Iago, but unaware of what he plans
to do with the handkerchief. Iago plants it in Cassio's lodgings as
evidence of Cassio and Desdemona's affair. After he has planted the
handkerchief, Iago tells Othello to stand apart and watch Cassio's
reactions while Iago questions him about the handkerchief. Iago goads
Cassio on to talk about his affair with Bianca, but speaks her name so
quietly that Othello believes the two other men are talking about
Desdemona when Cassio is really speaking of Bianca. Bianca, on
discovering the handkerchief, chastises Cassio, accusing him of giving
her a second-hand gift which he received from another lover. Othello
sees this, and Iago convinces him that Cassio received the handkerchief
from Desdemona. Enraged and hurt, Othello resolves to kill his wife and
asks Iago to kill Cassio as a duty to their intimacy. Othello proceeds
to make Desdemona's life miserable, hitting her in front of her family.
Desdemona laments her suffering, remembering the fate of her mother's
maid, who was forsaken by her lover.
Roderigo complains that he has received nothing for his efforts and
threatens to abandon his pursuit of Desdemona, but Iago convinces him to
kill Cassio instead, because Cassio has just been appointed governor of
Cyprus, and — Iago argues — if Cassio lives to take office, Othello and
Desdemona will leave Cyprus, thwarting Roderigo's plans to win
Desdemona. Roderigo attacks Cassio in the street after Cassio leaves
Bianca's lodgings. They fight and both are wounded. Cassio's leg is cut
from behind by Iago who manages to hide his identity as perpetrator.
Passers-by arrive to help; Iago joins them, pretending to help Cassio.
When Cassio identifies Roderigo as one of his attackers, Iago secretly
stabs Roderigo to stop him from confessing. He then accuses Bianca of
the failed conspiracy to kill Cassio.
In the night, Othello confronts Desdemona, and then smothers
her to death in bed, before Emilia arrives. Othello tries to justify
his actions to the distressed Emilia by accusing Desdemona of adultery.
Emilia calls for help. The Governor arrives, with Iago, Cassio, and
others, and Emilia begins to explain the situation. When Othello
mentions the handkerchief as proof, Emilia realizes what Iago has done.
She exposes him, whereupon Iago kills her. Othello, realizing
Desdemona's innocence, attacks Iago but does not kill him, saying that
he would rather have Iago live the rest of his life in pain. For his
part, Iago refuses to explain his motives, vowing to remain silent from
that moment on. Lodovico, a Venetian nobleman, apprehends both Iago and
Othello, but Othello commits suicide with a sword before they can take
him into custody. At the end, it can be assumed, Iago is taken off to be
tortured, and Cassio becomes governor of Cyprus.
At the end of Othello, Desdemona
seems to be the most passive kind of victim. Smothered, deprived
of breath and of words by her husband, she is totally overwhelmed
by Othello’s insane jealousy and physical strength. But before her
murder, Desdemona is remarkable for showing more passivity when
her husband is not around and more assertiveness
when he is.

The terrible effect of Othello’s brutality is most obvious
in Desdemona’s scenes with Emilia. Emilia is cynical and bawdy,
and she gives Desdemona every possible opportunity to bad-mouth
Othello. Men, she says in Act III, scene iv, “are all but stomachs,
and we all but food. / They eat us hungrily, and when they are full,
/ They belch us” (III.iv.100–102). Later,
she insults Othello: “He called her whore. A beggar in his drink
/ Could not have laid such terms upon his callet [whore]” (IV.ii.124–125).
And, at the end of Act IV, scene iii, she gives a lengthy discourse
about the virtues of infidelity. Desdemona, however, never says
anything worse than “Heaven keep the monster [jealousy] from Othello’s
mind” (III.iv.158). With her closest confidante,
Desdemona does not speak ill of her husband, even as she shows the
strain of his terrible abuse.
Iago / Othello
Although eponymously
titled, suggesting that the tragedy belongs primarily to Othello, Iago
plays an important role in the plot. He reflects the archetypal villain,
and has the biggest share of the dialogue. In Othello, it is
Iago who manipulates all other characters at will, controlling their
movements and trapping them in an intricate net of lies. He achieves
this by getting close to all characters and playing on their weaknesses
while they refer to him as "honest" Iago, thus furthering his control
over the characters . A. C. Bradley, and more recently Harold Bloom, have been major advocates of this interpretation. Other critics, most notably in the later twentieth century (after F. R. Leavis), have focused on Othello.
As the Protestant Reformation of England highlighted the importance
of pious, controlled behaviour in society, it was the tendency of the
contemporary Englishman to displace society's undesirable qualities of
barbarism, treachery, jealousy and libidinousness onto those who are
considered 'other'.
The assumed characteristics of black men, or 'the other', were both
instigated and popularised by Renaissance dramas of the time; for
example, the treachery of black men inherent to George Peele's 'The Battle of Alcazar' (1588).
Religious / Philosophical
Many critics have noted references to demonic possession throughout the play, especially in relation to Othello's seizure, a phenomenon often associated with possession in the popular consciousness of the day. Another scholar suggests that the epileptic fit relates to the mind-body problem and the existence of the soul.
The Hero
There have been many differing views on the character of Othello over
the years. A.C Bradley calls Othello the "most romantic of all of
Shakespeare's heroes" (by "hero" Bradley means protagonist) and "the
greatest poet of them all". On the other hand, F.R. Leavis describes
Othello as "egotistical". There are those who also take a less critical
approach to the character of Othello such as William Hazlitt saying that "the nature of the Moor is noble... but his blood is of the most inflammable kind".
Themes, Motifs & Symbols
The Incompatibility of Military Heroism & Love
Before and above all else, Othello is a soldier. From the earliest moments in the play, his career affects his married life. Asking “fit disposition” for his wife after being ordered to Cyprus (I.iii.234), Othello notes that “the tyrant custom . . . / Hath made the flinty and steel couch of war / My thrice-driven bed of down” (I.iii.227–229). While Desdemona is used to better “accommodation,” she nevertheless accompanies her husband to Cyprus (I.iii.236). Moreover, she is unperturbed by the tempest or Turks that threatened their crossing, and genuinely curious rather than irate when she is roused from bed by the drunken brawl in Act II, scene iii. She is, indeed, Othello’s “fair warrior,” and he is happiest when he has her by his side in the midst of military conflict or business (II.i.179). The military also provides Othello with a means to gain acceptance in Venetian society. While the Venetians in the play are generally fearful of the prospect of Othello’s social entrance into white society through his marriage to Desdemona, all Venetians respect and honor him as a soldier. Mercenary Moors were, in fact, commonplace at the time.Othello predicates his success in love on his success as a soldier, wooing Desdemona with tales of his military travels and battles. Once the Turks are drowned—by natural rather than military might—Othello is left without anything to do: the last act of military administration we see him perform is the viewing of fortifications in the extremely short second scene of Act III. No longer having a means of proving his manhood or honor in a public setting such as the court or the battlefield, Othello begins to feel uneasy with his footing in a private setting, the bedroom. Iago capitalizes on this uneasiness, calling Othello’s epileptic fit in Act IV, scene i, “[a] passion most unsuiting such a man.” In other words, Iago is calling Othello unsoldierly. Iago also takes care to mention that Cassio, whom Othello believes to be his competitor, saw him in his emasculating trance (IV.i.75).
Desperate to cling to the security of his former identity as a soldier while his current identity as a lover crumbles, Othello begins to confuse the one with the other. His expression of his jealousy quickly devolves from the conventional—“Farewell the tranquil mind”—to the absurd:
Farewell the plum’d troops and the big warsOne might well say that Othello is saying farewell to the wrong things—he is entirely preoccupied with his identity as a soldier. But his way of thinking is somewhat justified by its seductiveness to the audience as well. Critics and audiences alike find comfort and nobility in Othello’s final speech and the anecdote of the “malignant and . . . turbaned Turk” (V.ii.362), even though in that speech, as in his speech in Act III, scene iii, Othello depends on his identity as a soldier to glorify himself in the public’s memory, and to try to make his audience forget his and Desdemona’s disastrous marital experiment.
That make ambition virtue! O, farewell,
Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump,
The spirit-stirring drum, th’ear piercing fife,
The royal banner, and all quality,
Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war!”
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